You lied about your age, too? You're young!
i recall a ms brother about 62 years old dating and marrying a sister about 30 years younger.
i respect their choice and if they are in love, well good for them.
but i don't think it's to the best interest of the younger one...... do jw's accept bigger age differences in marriage than other religions?.
You lied about your age, too? You're young!
i recall a ms brother about 62 years old dating and marrying a sister about 30 years younger.
i respect their choice and if they are in love, well good for them.
but i don't think it's to the best interest of the younger one...... do jw's accept bigger age differences in marriage than other religions?.
OMG, I just noticed the age I put on my...whateveryoucallit. It's a lie. I am younger. I promised to let everyone know when I lie. Ok, 30's, but that is all I can say.
i recall a ms brother about 62 years old dating and marrying a sister about 30 years younger.
i respect their choice and if they are in love, well good for them.
but i don't think it's to the best interest of the younger one...... do jw's accept bigger age differences in marriage than other religions?.
I didn't read any of the other posts on this thread yet but here is why I would prefer a fling (non-JW life style) or marraige (JW life style requirement) with an older man:
Awsome sex because:
1. More experience in knowing how to turn on a woman and what doesn't work
2. Can't get it up as fast as he used to so is more timed to the woman
3. Old fashioned manners make him more thoughtful.
here's an update on me... i'm 18. i'm an atheist.
i'm not making much money.
i did something i promised myself i wouldn't do: i work for witnesses.
That was an awsome discussion on your part! Here are some of my ideas that I use now. Sure wish I had your ammo then:
No where in the Bible are the words "Jehovah's organization" or any other org., for that matter. The Sanhedrin(spell?) was an org of sorts as if you got kicked out of it it would wreck your social life (or is it that they had the power to oust you from society and that wrecked your life?) I'm remembering the blind man's parents. No need to belong to anything.
Don't need to belong to anything as the Ethiopian Eunich went his way and did not see Phillip, again. The Bible made a point of mentioning the permanence of that departure. His baptism was within a few minutes of approaching an "elder" not months or years and no questions required to answer.
Jesus said, "Come to me..." not a man made org.
Prodigal son was instantly welcomed back and it was the rude good brother that shunned him and was written about in a bad light. Shunning is unscriptual as it appears in a bad light in the Bible. Why shun people but not celebrate b-days??? Hmmm...killing makes a person bad, not the date or celebration. So the Pharoah and king were ok but their bdays were bad???
was your memory good, bad or ugly?
The reason for all of the discipline stories is because of the fact that our parents were following the Bible scripture that says that if you beat a boy he will not die. They were trying to save our lives by beating us red, black and blue. You think we would remember nice kHELL experiences as kids???????????? Are you serious????????????????
was your memory good, bad or ugly?
Mine was scary. I must have been only about 2 years old at the time. I was at the meeting with my grandparents and I remember a girl trying to pick me up and me wiggling and crying NO! GRAMMA!!! Of course, Gramma came to the rescue, took me on her lap and comforted me.
i was recently informed that i have the legal right to have my baptism nullified.
but apparently there is a time limit on it.
i have to do this before i turn 19. if i succeed, they will announce at a meeting that i was never a jehovahs witness, and i will not be disfellowshiped or disassociated.. i should also point out that i was baptised at age 9.
Thanks 5go, I needed that. I just get so angry at these sob brothers and sisters. I was once one of them.
i was recently informed that i have the legal right to have my baptism nullified.
but apparently there is a time limit on it.
i have to do this before i turn 19. if i succeed, they will announce at a meeting that i was never a jehovahs witness, and i will not be disfellowshiped or disassociated.. i should also point out that i was baptised at age 9.
To others who had to read this: my sincerest apologies.
newbie here.
i feel i will enjoy my stay.
interesting talk last nite on marking.
Just have to say this concerning so called spiritual weakness as the cause of missed meetings:
Contrary to what JW's say, no one becomes spiritually weak. They start to feel that the khall is not a spiritual paradise anymore and therefore see no need to keep going. The meetings cease to be refreshing, if they ever really were, and so they actually create holes in people by telling people that it's their fault for feeling as they do. The people keep drinking the "life saving water" and are constantly hungry for what they really need, something the meetings never provide. People starve drinking their water. The meetings make a person addicted to them by telling them they must go for refreshment. Only what happens is that the drug wears off gradually and is useless to people after a while. No spiritual weakness involved. The meetings themselves are weak. Spiritually weak is the same bullying tactic word used by school children when they say someone is stupid.
as many of you may know, i'm currently an ms and pioneer, and been missing meetings consistently for almost 2 months.
i have been concerned about my dad's reaction to me wanting to leave the org and he's been questioning me about missing meetings.
well i've decided now not to jump through the elders' hoops anymore.
Good for you! It may be hard but just hang in there and do what YOU feel is right for YOU (not your dad). I mean by that that I know the relationship is precious to you and to wreck it would be foolish. I am having a time trying to balance all of that as I am a 4th generation JW (I am not a JW anymore) and must play that fading and faking game with my family. It's hard but I'm doing it. I wish you the best and congrats on free will and independent thinking!